Is Your Website Ready for Mobile Browsers?

Calgary website design services

While the internet has long been defined as the new frontier for businesses everywhere, the truth is that it often isn’t enough to simply create a website design and assume customers will utilize it. Instead, it is often necessary to use a variety of website marketing strategies and tactics to appeal to a customer base that is constantly adapting to new and improving technology. More often than ever, companies see their greatest advances coming from investments in professional web design and web development. One such investment is a service you probably use frequently yourself: mobile optimized websites.

Everyone knows that the internet is everywhere, but many don’t seem to notice how ubiquitous mobile web surfing is becoming. However, mobile web adoption is currently growing 8 times faster than it was in the 1990s and early 2000s. This is likely due to the popularity of mobile devices: an estimated 56% of people in the United States own a smartphone, and as many as 50% of these people use their phone as their primary internet source. For this reason, professional web designs that incorporate mobile optimization are considered to be the next big trend in mobile and digital marketing.

However, in spite of this, many companies are not making changes to adjust to this growing movement: as many as 48% of mobile users have reported becoming frustrated while browsing websites that have been either not been optimized for mobile use, or poorly optimized. For this reason, it is often advisable that businesses hire professional web design services to help their websites meet the new phase of digital marketing.

There are a number of steps a web designer can take to help your website appeal to mobile browsers. For example, it is important to remember that customers who are using mobile devices are often on the go; therefore, it is important to put basic information, such as your hours, location and contact information, in a prominent position on your website. Contact a professional web design company today to discuss how they can help you meet the demands of a changing, mobile market.

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