Human Resources Executive Recruiters Help Clients Find the Right Hires

Human resources consultant

Outplacement consulting firms help employers connect with the best eligible candidates. From human resources consultants to talent acquisition management services, finding the best person for a job is not always as easy as it seems. And when you are fortunate enough to find the right person for the opening that you have, the next challenge is to find a way to keep that person. And while many people only thing about hiring when they think about outplacement consulting firms, these resources also have other services that they offer. From onboarding activities to providing guidelines about employee incentive programs, the most comprehensive outplacement consulting companies can help you make the right hiring decisions and keep those hires.
When your company is getting to begin a search, where do you look for your candidates? And when you are getting ready to start those new hires do you have an onboarding plan in place? Finding a way to help new hires make a great transition into your workplace is only the first step. Employers also need to provide employee incentives to keep their best hires on staff for a long time.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the outplacement consulting firm industry and the impact that it can have in connecting their clients with the best hires:

  • 2.7 million workers voluntarily left their jobs at the end of June 2015. This number represents a 25% increase compared to two years earlier in 2013.
  • 86% of companies with employee recognition programs indicate that they see an increase in worker happiness, a trait that will keep workers on the job even when new offers are made.
  • 60% of Millennials indicate that they would be open to new job at any given time, according to a 2016 Gallup poll. Because this statistic is higher than any other generation, the Millennials have been called the “Job Hopping Generation.”
  • Unfortunately, only 20% of workers believe their manager is doing a good job of encouraging them to do their best work, according to a Gallup poll. This believe can lead to workers easily leaving their job for another company that makes a better offer.
  • It is not always salary and benefits that can encourage a worker to stay at a job. In fact, gender-diverse companies are 15% more likely to outperform their peers and ethnically-diverse companies are 35% more likely to do the same, according to studies from the McKinsey research firm.

Finding employees who are the right fit for your company can be a challenge. Even harder, though, is trying to keep the best hires that you find at your firm. Working with HR consulting firms, however, can help you both find and keep the best workers.
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