Four Important Security Features to Protect our Borders

Text analytics

As technology continues to expand, so does the possibility of a security threat. It has become harder and harder to match current technology with thorough security. Fortunately, there are a couple of advanced security measures which will help with security breaches, everyday safe technology, and the improvement of safety within the country’s borders. These are some of the most promising security features.

Advanced geotagging capabilities

Geotagging is the process of identifying a piece of information and tagging it as something relevant. It gives technology that generally lacks emotion AFI, the ability to classify a person as safe or unsafe. It also uses the same classifications for products and shipments. By tagging these items, or people, the system can identify if a threat is possible. This is useful in largely populated areas, such as airports or at country borders when it just isn’t possible to stop every person. The advanced geotagging then flags the entity and further security measures are then taken.

Semantic and entity matching software

Entity resolution is the practice of finding and linking mentions of the same entity across and within different data sets. The three primary tasks involved in entity resolution include deduplication, record linkage, and canonicalization. Because most technology lacks emotion AI, it can be difficult to get the accurate context of something. When screening people and items, words that are taken out of context could be mistaken as a threat. Even in the business world, poor entity matching could improperly categorize a product and advertise it to the wrong target. Semantic and entity matching software programs, however, have the ability to distinguish between different contexts by using emotion AIs.

Identity resolution technological features

Identity resolution does not require emotion AI, because it looks at images for categorizations, instead of wording. Many governing systems use images when informing of threat. The airport, for example, might have images of customers that are not allowed to fly to certain countries. With the ability to compare facial features, these stored images would be useless. Identity resolution technological features can also distinguish between two similar looking people.

Text mining

Text mining is perhaps, the most important security feature available today. With the internet, there is a lot of information out there. Even with the biggest of security staff, it would still be impossible to sort through all of it. If you had to look for a specific phrase or statement, it could take years to find it. Text mining gives security professionals the ability to quickly search through data to look for certain words. There are four steps in the text mining process, information retrieval, natural language processing, information extraction, and data mining.

Text mining has been used for improving security around borders for many years. The use of it is only expected to grow. Text analytics can support and strengthen border security in three major ways, by identifying dangers near borders and at screening time, by identifying potential dangers that need a follow up, and by forecasting issues currently at the borders. Security professionals can take the combined text mining information and create a better picture of events to increase the overall safety.

Security of our borders and technological devices is more important than ever before. With constant data breaches and safety concerns, safety has become a priority. Fortunately, with entity resolution, identify resolution, semantic programs, artificial intelligence programs with emotion features, and text mining, we are taking the necessary steps to improve overall security.

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