Are You Making the Leap to a Point of Sale System for Your Pharmacy?

Pharmacy point of sale services

Just like every other type of business out there, the world of retail is rapidly being changed by technology. As’s Money highlights, one of the biggest changes in the retail world is the switch from the traditional cash register to point of sale systems. These point of sale systems, more commonly referred to as POS systems, are shown to be more cost effective, longer lasting, and far more accurate than their predecessors. In other words, their sudden rise in popularity shouldn’t be surprising, nor should the global POS industry’s $3.2 billion revenues in 2014.

As in other sectors of the retail world, pharmacy owners are having to consider making the leap to POS systems. Given the delicate nature of the pharmaceutical industry, though, pharmacies need to look at pharmacy POS software and hardware with more scrutiny than others, both to protect themselves and, most importantly, their customers. If you’re stuck trying to select pharmacy POS software and hardware for your pharmacy, here are three things to consider to narrow down your selection to the very best.

What to Look for When Shopping for Pharmacy POS Software and Hardware

  • Is the Security up to Snuff?
  • For Business News Daily, the very first thing you need to figure out is the sort of security each POS system offers. At the very least, the system you choose for your pharmacy should be PCI compliant. PCI, or Payment Card Industry, compliant systems are the only way to go, as they offer the latest and greatest card capture security technology. In other words, they ensure you can get paid, without putting your customers’ credit information at risk.

  • Does the System Fit Your Business Size?
  • Whether your business is tiny or part of a nationwide chain, your pharmacy point of sale system needs to be able to handle all of your transactions and data. Is your pharmacy little more than a hole in the wall? Your average POS system will be more than enough to handle your data, but you might want to consider a mobile POS option that is compact enough to fit into your already cramped location. Does your store service a major metro area? Look for an option that can be used by a large number of employees and one that can handle a large volume of transactions at the same time.

  • Is the Price Right?
  • Pharmacy POS software gives you the ability to track inventory, record customer data, and much more. Those important capabilities come at a cost. As Entrepreneur highlights, the average POS system starts around $1,500, but some systems cost around $20,000. Know your budget before searching for your POS system to immediately cut down on your choices and the amount of work you’ll need to do to find the right fit.

What were the things you thought about when shopping for POS systems for your pharmacy? Let us know in the comments below.

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