Employee retention rates have become quite troubling all throughout the United States. As a matter of fact, these rates of employee retention have been dipping for some time now. Already by the June of 2015, more than two and a half million workers had left their jobs – on a voluntary basis, for that matter. This marked a nearly 25% increase in such activity from a couple years prior. In the years that have transpired since, this type of activity has only continued to increase.
Such activity has become particularly prominent among Millennial employees. In fact, this group of workers has even become known as the job hopping generation. This moniker is not totally baseless given the fact that more than half of all Millennials in the workforce (up to 60% of them, as a matter of fact) have stated that they would willingly leave one job in favor of a better one, should the better one come along. For many people, staying at a less than ideal job could mean stunting themselves professionally and missing out on much of what else is out there.
But though Millennials have been blamed for many of the problems our society faces, it is certainly not their fault that workplaces do not promote long term employee retention. In fact, many places of work actively prevent employees from sticking around long term, though much of this is unconscious. For one thing, employees simply are not feeling the level of support that they should be in their places of work. According to recently gathered data, up to 80% of all employees feel instead that they are not being prompted to do their best work – and are not supported by their superiors in this way.
Outplacement companies and executive search professionals know that there are also a good deal of issues to be found in the hiring process of many a company. The executive search process and even looking for other employees is often not as thorough as it needs to be. And on the other end of the executive search, the role that on boarding plays should be much more extensive than it currently actually is. Unfortunately, far too few employees are on boarded as they should, something that can most certainly lend itself to poor employee retention rates down the line. On the other hand, properly done on boarding can mean that employees are much more likely to stay on longer with the company – and much less likely to take a role elsewhere.
Fortunately, executive search professionals and human resources executive search agencies can work to provide staffing solutions to companies and places of business all throughout the United States. As a matter of fact, even outplacement consulting companies and more general HR recruiters can do a lot of good in helping to find the right people the right jobs. With the aid of human resources executive search agencies and the like, a better skills match is more probable.
A human resources executive search agency or other such job placement agency is also likely to pay attention to the cultivation of diversity in the workplace. Diversity in the workplace is actually hugely beneficial to just about anyone involved. For instance, ethnic diversity can actually increase overall workplace performance by as much as a full 35% – at least in direct comparison to places of work that are not as diverse. In addition to this, gender diversity can also have a huge impact. Gender diversity alone can increase the performance of a workplace by as much as 15%, which is certainly still impressive.
At the end of the day, there is no denying that matters of employee retention are concerning no matter what industry or place of work you look in. Fortunately, identifying the causes and beginning to find a pattern and a means to combat these issues will help to turn the tide towards better employee retention across the board for the workforce of the United States. Ultimately, even smaller scale changes can help and make a real difference.