Protecting Your Privacy Three Fun Facts About File Transfer Services

Secure file transfer service

In today’s digital world, it seems as though no one is immune from hacking and privacy breaches. Recent events such as the North Korean hack of Sony Pictures and ISIS’s hack of U.S. CENTCOM Twitter and YouTube pages go to show how vulnerable all of us with a computer are. Safe and reliable file transfer services have never been more important, especially for business owners with a sizeable IT department.

In order to have a better idea of how to protect your digital privacy, here are three important facts about file transfer services that will serve as a proper introduction to secure data delivery services:

  1. FTP: File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is one of the standard data delivery methods in service today. It is used to transfer digital files from various clients, or “hosts,” using a TCP-based network via a common server. The control and data connections between the server and clients are distinct. FTP can either be used with a simple command line interface or a graphic commercial interface.
  2. SFTP: Secure File Transfer Protocol, or SFTP, is another kind of data transfer. Not to be confused with FTP, SFTP uses an entirely different protocol, Secure Shell (or SSH), for its data stream. SSH is known for its security features. SFTP is also known as “SSH File Transfer Protocol.”
  3. Encryption: Encryption is the process of translating readable text, or “plaintext,” in a digital file into an indecipherable text known as “ciphertext” using an algorithm in order to protect the file’s contents. The ciphertext can be decrypted using an “encryption key.” There are two major types of encryption: symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric encryption uses the same key for encryption and decryption whereas asymmetric encryption uses separate keys. An example of an encryption code is PGP, or “Pretty Good Privacy,” which is primarily used to protect email data.

There is much more to file transfer services, of course, but FTP, SFTP, and encryption codes are three basic components of many easy file transfer services. Whether you’re looking for data loss prevention solutions or just want to protect the privacy of your emails, file transfer services is one step you can take in our turbulent virtual world. Learn more at this link.

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