Has Your Social Media Campaign Lost Its Thunder?

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Social media is the marketing medium of 2014. According to statistics from MarketingProfs.com, there are nearly two-billion people using popular social media platforms, whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or otherwise. That’s nearly two-billion pairs of eyes you can get your brand in front of using free marketing platforms.

Facebook seems to be the most viable option for business owners looking into social media optimization to grow revenue, with 52% of marketers saying they’ve earned at least one new customer on the service. However, by keeping these social media marketing ideas in mind, you can find success, whether you’re tweeting on Twitter or posting an article on Facebook.

Four Social Media Marketing Ideas to Revolutionize Your Campaign

  1. Use More Imagery
  2. As written on Inquistr.com, one of the keys to effective social media marketing for businesses is imagery. Businesses that make an effort to share more images on Facebook, for example, see 50% more shares and likes than their competitors who stick to text-based content only. That being said, the images you share must be relevant to your brand.

  3. Timing is Crucial
  4. Timing, as Forbes points out, is crucial to your tweets, Facebook posts, or other social media shares making a splash. Using your social media analytics tools, you can check to see when the most people are viewing your content across platforms. Once you find out, you can automate your posts to go live at certain points of the day, ensuring they receive maximum exposure.

  5. You Can’t Cookie Cutter Your Social Media Approach
  6. In order to save time and effort, many businesses choose to share the same content across different platforms at the same time of day. The problem? Each audience, whether it’s your Twitter followers or Instagram fans, likes different types of content, and they like it at different points in the day. You can’t expect a cookie cutter approach to be as effective as a custom strategy for each service, so avoid this method at all costs.

  7. Make Your Social Media Page Valuable
  8. Of all the social media marketing ideas on this list, this tip is, perhaps, the most important. Every time you gain a new like, share, favorite, or retweet, a social media user is effectively “buying” your page. If you want to increase the amount of traffic and engagement your page generates, you need to think of it like a product. What makes your page valuable to social media users? According to Social Media Examiner, posts answering price questions, sharing reviews of your products, and posts showing the things you care about as a brand go the farthest for generating the appearance of value.

Effectively managing social media tools can transform your business’ online marketing efforts and greatly improve your revenue, but that’s only if you know what you’re doing. By implementing these social media marketing ideas in your campaign, you’ll be that much closer to success.

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