As we press further into what many are calling the digital age, a growing number of concerns arise, principally from the business world. The internet has literally revolutionized the manner in which we do business, ushering in a new age where e-commerce and digital marketing have become the dominate ways in which businesses connect with consumers and generate revenue. It makes sense that in order to stay relevant, businesses must constantly strive to improve their digital infrastructure and resources to compete with one another and to improve their digital reach. These are three steps that modern companies need to take in order to ensure their future in this digital age.
Why Web Design Matters
Internet users are evolving at a rate that rivals that of the technology they use. For this reason, companies that seek to expand on the internet ought to ensure that their website developers are able to deliver according to what internet users are looking for. Aside from the aesthetic demands of contemporary internet users, web designers must ensure that your company’s website is optimized according to the latest internet access trends. Mobile devices exceeded personal computer use for the first time last year with respect to internet access — this means that websites that are easy to navigate and mobile-friendly are able to accommodate the new majority of internet users. Slow and outdated websites that take longer than 4 seconds to load on the other hand are abandoned by up to 40% of internet users. Since half of consumers judge the credibility of a company based on the look, function, and design of a web page, it pays to ensure that your website has a firm presence through comprehensive and up-to-date web design.
Connecting With the Internet
Anglers know that in order to catch more fish, a wider net ought to be cast: this is the philosophy behind social networking. Instead of just having a singular corporate webpage, many businesses branch out by developing blogs and profiles on social media sites in order to expand their digital real estate. Blogging increases web traffic significantly as business-to-business companies that blog report a 67% increase in lead generation over companies that have no blogs. Due to the ever-increasing popularity of social media sites, businesses that join up have the opportunity to connect with consumers on more intimate levels than ever before; this not only allows businesses to keep consumers informed regarding new products, special offers, and events, it also gives businesses an opportunity to convey their unique personality and flavor in new ways thanks to digital marketing.
Mastering Local Search
Although internet marketing annalists suggest that all businesses engage in some form of social media to connect with consumers, it is not the most effective digital lead generation device. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of redirecting online traffic to a business using creative content that is picked out by the organic properties of search engines. Unlike typical outbound lead generation through traditional broadcast advertising, professional SEO services are able to connect with already-engaged and interested consumers through informative articles that help to influence consumer spending — SEO services enjoy some of the highest lead close rates at 14.6% compared to the 1.7% close rate of inbound leads. Since three out of four internet users only look at the first page of a search engine’s results, many companies have turned to professional SEO services to help ensure that their business arrives at the top of a local search. Building a digital empire is useless unless you can get the message out; SEO services help businesses get the attention they need to generate new leads and start down the path towards success on the net.