Information technology (IT) is a part of nearly every industry. In fact, managed IT services are an important part of making sure that every transaction that you swipe goes through accurately and that every transaction remains private between you and the merchant you are working with.
In a time when every part of our live is driven by technology, it is important to remember that there needs to be a number of strategies in place to make sure that our digital data is safe and protected. And while our digital world provides us a number of advantages, they are advantages that can be used against us if the right precautions are not put in place. In fact, managed IT services are an important way to make sure that customers and clients, as well as their identity and financial holdings.
Managed service providers and network monitoring systems help companies of all sizes protect the information that is entrusted to them. And when it is time to create end of year documentation for clients, managed IT services make this easier as well. In addition to all of the financial assistance, managed IT services also help develop and maintain the websites that so many companies rely on. For instance, nearly 46% of people indicate that a website’s design is their number one criterion for determining the credibility of a company. This means that if a website is not well designed and if it does not perform effectively, a business will lose current customers as well as future business transactions. In addition, IT services create an environment that allows workers to telecommute and work from home any time that they want.
Consider some of these facts and figures about technology companies and the services that they provide to businesses of all size across the country:
- 67% of workers given the option to work at home felt that remote work improved their productivity. In comparison, 26% of workers were neutral and 7% felt less productive.
- 47% of enterprises have lost data in the cloud at some point and have had to restore their information from backups, service that is provided by IT management services.
- Google changes its search algorithm 500 to 600 times every year.
- 47% of data losses were due to end-users deleting information.
- 17% of data losses were due to users overwriting data
- 13% of data losses were due to hackers deleting information.
Making a decision about which managed services IT provider to work with is important. It will help you provide a high functioning website and made sure that you are able to protect all of the data that your company uses.