A fire can start in the blink of an eye. It’s up to us to stay prepared.
It doesn’t matter how old or new a building is. You need to make sure you have fire protection equipment ready to go at all times. This means taking another look at your fire sprinkler design and double-checking the evacuation procedure for any mistakes, as just one slip-up can put hundreds of people at risk. The function of fire prevention is to, more often than not, keep a fire from erupting in the first place. Should a flame begin, it needs to be snuffed out as soon as possible.
High-rise fires are often the result of several factors being ignored for far too long. Today’s fire sprinkler design software is designed to mitigate these factors as much as possible.
What Are The Most High Risk Locations?
Several locations today are at a very high risk for a high rise fire. There are a few different factors involved in this, namely the structure of the building and day-to-day activities. Hotels, motels, apartments, data centers, and hospitals are widely considered to be the most at-risk areas for a fire to start and go out of control. A lack of proper ventilation can make it easier for smoke to accumulate under a roof. Electronic equipment malfunctioning is also a serious hazard that can go unnoticed until it’s too late.
What Are Common Contributors To Fire?
As explored above, a fire can be caused by almost too many factors to count. Hotels and motels are known for having poor ventilation and a lack of proper disposal for cigarettes, both of which can add up to a serious accident. Facilities that care for the sick often have several forms of electronic equipment running simultaneously, which can be difficult to keep track of. Interestingly enough, a recent study found warehouse fires going down these past few years. This is likely due to increased awareness and additional measures toward safety.
What Should A Fire Escape Plan Have?
The function of a fire escape plan is to supplement your fire protection sprinkler system installation. Employees, visitors, and staff should all have the means of leaving a building as quickly as possible at the first sign of a fire. This should be located in an open area, such as the lobby or by the front and back doors, as a fire escape plan that can’t be read in an emergency is essentially useless. This should also be supplemented by a fire drill that’s reviewed on a yearly basis. Fire sprinkler contractors can assist with any questions you have on the process.
What Should A Fire Sprinkler Be Doing?
A fire sprinkler, more often than not, is designed to slow a fire rather than eliminate it. This is due to some spiraling out of control, thanks to weather, materials being burned, or a combination of factors. It’s also important to note that your fire protection sprinkler system installation can sometimes be done poorly, exposing you and your workers to a hazard with nobody any the wiser. A sprinkler that hasn’t been inspected in some time should be looked at again for potential glitches or clogs. Fire sprinkler design companies have more than enough resources to suit your needs.
Should I Look Into A Fire Protection Sprinkler System Installation?
Automatic fire sprinkler design is one of your first lines of defense in the event of a fire. If it doesn’t outright eliminate the flame it can at least slow it down to give you and anyone else nearby time to leave safely. This is only done when the sprinkler itself is working to the fullest of its ability, which means no slow reaction timing and no insufficient water. A fire protection sprinkler system installation can be done quickly and easily these days. You can even take a look at the one you already have for any signs of improvement.
Don’t take the chance. Reach out to a fire sprinkler system designer and ask what they can do to improve the safety of your building.